My Pension Advisor
Leaflet Design
My Pension Advisor provides financial advice to their clients with regards to their pension. Getting the right advice can have huge benefits, they only make financial recommendations based on comprehensive and detailed analysis of each individuals needs, to secure the life they want in retirement.
Making the right choices with your pension can be a little confusing, therefore the client wanted a leaflet that would explain in detail, but in a clear and concise way the options available. This leaflet was to be included as part of their ‘Pension Pack’, which is posted to interested parties of their services. The Pension Pack covers multiple venues, as well as providing all the necessary information for their client to compare. The leaflet will need to prompt the client to take the next step to begin the process.
With the idea of a ‘signpost’ in mind, knowing this would tie in well with the presented title ‘Making the right choices’. I created a set of arrows representing different routes available. The right arrow is highlighted white, pointing towards the My Pension Advisor logo, so the viewers eye is guided to ‘Making the right choices… My Pension Advisor’. As well as the arrow signalling right for ‘right choices’, it psychologically suggests you are making the right choice by choosing My Pension Advisor.
The leaflet persuaded the customer to choose My Pension Advisor and clearly demonstrates the next step they need to take in order to begin the process.